Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's very important in obtaining employment

Another valid argument for using proper grammar is, it helps applicants get jobs. Think about going into a job interview and the employer starts asking questions. Say something like, "why do you think you're the best candidate for this job?" Depending upon what the company does, say sales. Typically someone would say, "I have excellent verbal skills or I work well with others, I'm a team player." Something like that. Now the same question, with a grammatically incorrect response. "I has good verbal skills and I likes working with other people." You can easily understand what they're trying to say, but the person is speaking incorrectly. Note the use of "has" and "likes" The employer would have second thoughts about hiring you, especially for a position like 'sales'. Salespeople are representatives of that company. And every company wants to have the best of the best working for them. I have to stop right here, there's a fire drill in progress.

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