Thursday, December 3, 2009

Do I sound white?

Growing up, that was something I always heard. You sound white or you sound proper. And until I could appreciate my properness as it were, those types of comments used to hurt my feelings. I was only being true to myself. I admit, I grew up mostly around Caucasions and went to school with them. I was in a sense, a product of my environment. In writing this blog, I realized my "proper" way of speaking is what partially lead me to pursue a career in news media. What other industry could I use my "correctness" for profit? News! That's what they say on television. And if they can use it on tv, surely it's correct. So aside from being a ham, having a genuine interest current events, and wanting to work with the public, I had the voice and words to go along with it. I've since learned to my properness. Although, I still wonder what sounding white is. I'm only speaking proper English or Standard English or Prescriptive English. I speak the language we've all been exposed/taught in school. My greatest joy, is when people have a certain perception of me, until I start talking. Or when I speak to someone over the phone, then we meet in person. I L-O-V-E it! So if sounding "white" is wrong, then I don't want to be right.

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